Saturday, May 28, 2011

Cummins Falls

Eric and I took Aidan and Marianne up to Cummins Falls just a couple of miles from her apartment.  The hike was pretty steep but we made it down just fine.  I helped Aidan down, but I couldn't have done it without my VFF!  We decided that we couldn't actually make it down to the bottom of the gorge, but Aidan and I got in the water up at the top of the falls so he could wade around.  I got him a fun floatie thing at Walmart before we went.  He was nervous and wanted to get out at first but LOVED it after a few minutes.  We had a good time.  We also took some family pictures later in the evening and then went to Cheddar's for dinner.

I went in the woods across from my sister's apartment in search of cicadas since they've emerged from the ground again.  The very first ones I saw were a mating pair.  I love hearing their shrill calls.

My sister's fiance' told her to take this picture because of how funny Eric and I looked together ;)

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