Monday, July 4, 2011

Canning Tomato Sauce

I decided today that I had enough ripe tomatoes to finally do my first batch of canning tomato sauce this season, so that's what I spent the better part of the day doing.  I got the recipe here.

My modifications:
--30 lbs of tomatoes instead of 20
--less onion because I used up the last of what I had
--dried basil instead of fresh because I didn't have any fresh
--did not remove seeds or skin
--reserved the juice after simmering for a couple of hours to use as soup because it was taking forever to boil down

Whole tomatoes with the bad parts cut out:  about 29 lbs total.

Sauteeing the garlic and onion in olive oil

Cutting the tomatoes into large chunks

Simmering tomatoes to cook them slightly and get the skins to come off.

A little gremlin tomato with a horn LOL

Simmering a little more

Before food processing

After food processing

Finished product:
3 quarts and 3 pints sauce
5 pints soup